viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Sobre la filosofia de un punk de los '70

-everything works in circles. sometimes you're doing something and a year later, you're back at the same point. so circle 1 is what we're doing now. someday we'll probably do circle 2.

-i can respect hitler for being a genius, but not for killing all those people.

-everyone's talking about politics.. what's going to work, what's not going to work.. but, none of it is going to work.. that's why you have to throw it all away and start over.

-i wanted to know how it was like to be the only black boy in a white school, so i died my hair blue. and lost all my friends in one day.

-we will be The Germs. Cause everything starts with the germs.

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Sometimes YOU have to be your own hero